Application of AIoT for Autonomous Vehicles

1.Introduction to AIoT and Autonomous Vehicles When devices we use in everyday life are getting increasingly smarter, the potential ways to utilize them are also increasing. Due to increased interaction with people and other physical objects, IoT provides a great opportunity for collecting vast amounts […]

Role of AIoT in In-Plant Logistics Process

INTRODUCTION TO AIoT The Artificial Intelligence of Things (IoT) is the combination of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure. AIoT aims to create more efficient IoT operations, improve human-machine interactions and enhance data management and analytics. AI is the simulation of human […]

AI for preventing accidents

How artificial intelligence of things prevents the accident

Each year, about 1.35 million people are killed in crashes on the world’s roads, and as many as 50 million others are seriously injured, according to the World Health Organization. In the United States, fatalities rose drastically during the pandemic, leading to the largest six-month […]